The I-90, US-95 Interchange project is the first priority interchange to emerge from the I-90 Corridor Study from SH-41 to 15th Street. The goal of the project is to expand the interchange, enhance safety, and add capacity to support future traffic volumes, which are expected to double by 2045.
Key proposed improvements include:
New single-point urban interchange (SPUI) at I-90 and US-95
Interchange ramp improvements at 4th Street
I-90 widening from US-95 to 4th Street
US-95 widening from Emma Avenue to Bosanko Avenue
US-95 will be elevated on a bridge, and Appleway Avenue will be lowered, so that the two roads are grade separated and no longer intersect
Intersection improvements on:
US-95, from Emma Avenue to Neider Avenue
4th Street, at the westbound I-90 ramps and Appleway/Best Avenue
Northwest Boulevard, at the westbound I-90 ramps and Appleway Avenue
Bicycle and pedestrian improvements along I-90 and US-95
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